Award-winning and experienced Kansas City Attorneys
We are committed to providing affordable and attentive legal help to individuals dealing with the aftermath of an unexpected injury or loved one’s death and those struggling through financial hardship.
It is our goal to hold corporations and those who harm others, responsible for their policies and choices and actions, and to help families get a fresh start following a financial crisis.
Our Mission
To help you through the challenges of personal injury, grief and financial hardship. We will hold corporations and those who harm others, responsible for their policies, choices and actions. We help individuals and families get a fresh start.
Core Values
- Give our clients the personal one-on-one attention they deserve
- Understand each client's case is unique
- Continually strive to sharpen our skills
- Fight to win what our client's deserve
Kansas City Car Accident Lawyers
If you have ever been in a car collision, you know how upsetting and stressful it can be. The physical, emotional and financial consequences can have a significant impact on you and your loved ones’ lives. Hiring an experienced personal injury trial attorney like the Law Offices of Peter A. Jouras, Jr. allows you to focus on getting well and leaves the job of dealing with the insurance company to your attorney. It’s our job to make sure you get full and fair compensation for your injuries, lost wages, physical pain, and emotional suffering.
- Only a small percentage of car crashes end up in litigation and even fewer end up in court, so it’s likely your case will be concluded long before any one has to step into a courtroom.
- We advance all case expenses and our fee is based solely on what we recover for you.
For 37 years the Law Offices of Peter A. Jouras, Jr. has been here to help others following a car collision. Contact us for FREE consultation today.
Birth Injury Attorneys in Kansas City
Every second a new life is brought into this world. However, when something goes wrong and errors are made during the pregnancy or in the critical moments in the delivery room, newborns can suffer life-long injuries. Infants suffering from cerebral palsy, shoulder dystocia, brain damage and other birth injuries can face life-long challenges and need medical care for the rest of their lives.
Some Causes of Birth Injury
- Delay in performing a caesarian section (C-section)
- Improper use of forceps or other medical devices
- Failure to monitor oxgen levels
- Failure to diagnose a treatable condition in the mother
- Negligent delivery of a breeched baby
If you have questions or concerns about whether your baby was injured as a result of medical negligence at the time of birth, contact us today.
Kansas City Dog Bite Attorneys
According to the CDC, in 2006 more than 31,000 people underwent reconstructive surgery as a result of being bitten by dogs.
Medical costs associated with dog bites are often very high since they can involve emergency-room care, hospitalization, surgery and psychological counseling. If you or someone you know was injured or killed by a dog, you may have the right to be bring legal action against the person who has, or should have had, control over the animal.
Dog owners are required to control and restrain their animal to ensure the public’s safety and when they do not you're entitled to damages for medical expenses, any lost wages you may have suffered, pain and suffering and possibly punitive damages.
If you have been a victim of a dog bite due to the negligence of the owner, contact us today for a free consultation.
Kansas City Electrical Injury Attorneys
Electrical Injuries Can Happen Anywhere
- On work sites, when a metal ladder comes in contact with a high-voltage power line
- At home due to faulty electrical appliance
- Anywhere you could be exposed to defective wiring
Electrical Injuries Have Unimaginable Consequences:
- Damage to nerves, muscles, organs, ligaments and bones
- Abnormal heart rhythms
- Muscle contractions strong enough to throw you to the ground causing broken bones and brain damage
- Short-term memory problems, personality changes, irritability and sleeping difficulties, chronic pain, numbness and tingling in the limbs
Recover From an Electrical Injury
Recovery from a serious electrical injury can be long and intense. It can help to have an advocate with experience litigating electrical injury cases on your side.
The Law Offices of Peter A. Jouras, Jr. has successfully represented individuals who have suffered high voltage electrical injuries. We will provide experienced and caring legal help to you and your family.
Medical Malpractice Attorneys in Kansas City
Preventable medical errors are the 6th leading cause of death in the United States. It is estimated there are nearly 15 million incidents of medical harm each year in this country. For the last decade, insurance and healthcare companies have been waging an active campaign to portray medical negligence cases as frivolous and doing nothing more than causing the cost of healthcare to rise. Nothing can be more opposite from the truth. In 2006 researchers at Harvard University found that 97% of medical malpractice claims involved injury, and 80% resulted in major disability or death.
- Failures to make timely diagnoses
- Delays in ordering appropriate treatment
- Errors in medication dosages and surgical procedures
If you believe you or someone you know has been a victim of medical negligence do not delay in contacting an experienced medical malpractice attorney.
We will carefully investigate and confirm whether the standard of care was breached.
For a free medical-malpractice case consultation, contact the Law Offices of Peter A. Jouras, Jr. today.
Kansas City Spinal Cord Injury Attorneys
Each year about 8,000 new spinal cord injuries occur. Car and motorcycle crashes, gunshot and wounds and falls and sports injuries are the most common causes of damage to the spinal cord. Damage to the spine can be fatal. Non-fatal spinal injury at the neck level can impair a person’s ability to breathe and can paralyze arms, legs and trunk and is called quadriplegia. Injury lower in the spine can cause weakness and paralysis only in the legs and lower body parts and is called paraplegia.
The affects of a spinal cord injury on one’s life are usually profound. Once the initial injury heals, functional improvement can continue for several months. However, there is often permanent limitations and disability involved.
Beyond the physical consequences of a spinal cord injury are the often significant mental and emotional challenges faced by the injured person. A loss of mobility can mean a loss of independence and having to come to terms with a new way of living. The support of friends and family and trusted medical professionals is vital to coping.
Catastrophic injuries like spinal cord injuries require serious and experienced legal counsel. If you or someone you know have been suffered a spinal cord injury and you want to know your legal options, please contact our office today.
Brain Injury Attorneys in Kansas City
According to the CDC, in 2010 about 2.5 million emergency room visits, hospitalizations or deaths were associated with traumatic brain injury (TBI) in the United States. A traumatic brain injury is defined as a blow or jolt to the head or a penetrating head injury that disrupts the function of the brain.
Leading Causes of Tramautic Brain Injuries
- Falls
- Motor vehicle accidents
- Struck by/against events (example: being hit by a baseball) and assault
The numbers of those diagnosed with a TBI have been steadily increasing since 2001. The severity of a TBI can range from "mild" to "severe", and can result in short or long-term problems with function. Most TBIs that occur each year are "mild", commonly called concussions.
Males are about 1.5 times more likely as females to sustain a TBI and the two age groups most at risk for TBI are 0-4 year olds and 15-19 year olds. Motor vehicle accidents were the leading cause of hospitalizations due to TBI for persons 15-44 years.
At least 5.3 million Americans currently have a long-term of lifelong need for help to perform activities of daily living as a result of a TBI. TBI can cause a wide range of functional changes affecting thinking, language, learning, emotions, behavior and/or sensation. It can also increase ones risk for conditions such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other brain disorders. It can affect one’s ability to hold a job and can lead to significant personal and financial challenges.
Early intervention is key to long-term outcome for persons who have suffered a TBI. The Law Offices of Peter A. Jouras, Jr. have experience in handling cases involving TBI and know the common indicators of a head injury. As part of our case screening process we evaluate whether a TBI may be involved that might have gone undiagnosed and can guide our client toward necessary treatment, and if needed, arrange for a professional evaluation to make sure the insurance company gives our client’s TBI symptoms proper weight in their evaluation.
If you or someone you know has suffered a tramautic brain injury, please call us today.
Trucking Accident Lawyers in Kansas City
The injuries that result from such wrecks can be catastrophic and life-changing which makes your decision for a Kansas or Missouri truck accident attorney so important. The story, however, often goes deeper than the negligence of just one careless driver and involves corporate negligence on behalf of the trucking company. Truck drivers are under constant pressure to work long hours and move product. When you combine this very real risk of fatigue with a fully loaded, over-sized vehicle driving at highway speeds, it is not surprising that trucking accidents often cause the most devastating injuries.
Past Cases Against Truck Drivers and the Companies They Work For
- Allegations of improperly loaded cargo
- Illegal load size
- Negligent hiring and retention
- Improper truck maintenance
If you or someone you know has been injured in a trucking accident, we are here to help. Contact us today.
Workers' Compentation Attorneys in Kansas City
You have just been injured at work. You told your supervisor, but what next? Most companies are required by state law to carry workers’ compensation insurance to help injured workers get the medical care they need and get back to work. This means you have the right to treatment by a doctor approved by your employer, and in most cases to receive pay while you're off work recovering.
If you have a significant injury, your workers’ compensation claim can lead to compensation for permanent disability and possible future medical care costs being covered by your employer. If a death has occurred as a result of a work accident, loved ones may also have a claim for survivor’s benefits and coverage for burial expenses.
Going through the workers compensation process alone can be a frustrating experience. Having a practiced and dedicated advocate on your side can help ensure you receive timely benefits from the insurance company and a fair evaluation of any permanent impairment you may suffered as a result of your on the job injury.
If you or someone you know has been injured on the job, contact us today for a free consultation. We advance all case expenses and our fee is based solely on the compensation we recover for you.
Wrongful Death Attorneys in Kansas City
Losing a loved one is never easy. The death of a spouse, parent, or child is made even harder when that death is caused by the negligence or misconduct of another party. Nothing can make up for that loss and a legal claim cannot bring back a person’s life, but a wrongful death lawsuit can provide compensation to the surviving family, and discourage the wrongdoer from harming anyone else in the future.
The surviving family may receive compensation for medical and funeral expenses, pain and suffering, loss of companionship and punitive damages
We represent families in both Missouri and Kansas who have lost family members due to
- Car and truck accidents caused by reckless drivers and negligent trucking companies
- Medical malpractice caused by careless and incompetent doctors, nurses, hospitals, and other healthcare providers
- Power line accidents that causes burns, electrocutions, or other serious injuries
- Accidents on property that has been negligently maintained
When a loved one is lost in an untimely fashion, there are often unanswered questions. We are committed to helping surviving family members find those answers and prevent it from happening to someone else.
For your free consultation, call (913) 677-1999