If you have ever been in an auto accident, you know how upsetting and stressful it can be. The physical, emotional and financial consequences can have a significant impact on you and your loved ones’ lives. Hiring an experienced auto accident lawyer like the Law Offices of Peter A. Jouras, Jr. allows you to focus on getting well and leaves the job of dealing with the insurance company to your attorney. It’s our job to make sure you get full and fair compensation for your injuries, lost wages, physical pain, and emotional suffering.
Immediately following a collision there are some key things you can do that can help make this time less stressful for you and help strengthen your claim.
How to Recover from an Auto Accident
1. Collect Important Information at the Scene
Make sure you collect the names, addresses, and phone numbers of the other driver(s) and of all witnesses. Also take down the name and address of the police officer(s) who reports to the scene. If it is possible, take photographs of the damage done to the vehicles involved and of the surrounding scene. If the help of an attorney becomes necessary, this information can be vital evidence.
2. Get Full Value for your Property Damage
If your car is deemed a complete loss by the insurance company, you will want to make sure you get full value for that loss. You can do so by using resources like the newspaper used car listings and blue book values to present the insurance representative with a reasonable amount to cover the loss. If the car is able to be repaired, make sure you get a detailed inspection that covers not only visible damage, but also documents any damage which may not be easily seen, such as underneath the car. This is especially important if there seems to be little to no damage done to your car. Most insurance companies will automatically send your injury claim to their fraud division if the damage to your vehicle is estimated to be less than $500. Do not just assume the inspector is going to do a thorough job, make sure to request they do this and get a second estimate if you have to.
3. Get Medical Treatment
Many people delay treatment when they are hurting because they are afraid of incurring medical bills. You should know that both Kansas and Missouri auto insurance policies offer what is called medical payment protection. In Kansas they call this PIP or personal injury protection coverage. This means as a Kansas policyholder that when you are injured in a collision your own insurance company will pay up to a certain amount of your medical bills for you. These expenses are then repaid by the at-fault insurer at the time of the settlement of your claim. In Missouri, medical payment protection is called MedPay. Like PIP, if you have a Missouri auto insurance policy with MedPay coverage, your insurer will cover your medical bills up to a certain amount. Unlike PIP coverage, however, MedPay payments do not have to be paid back. Thus, make sure you contact your insurance agent following a collision to find out what protections you may have to cover some of the medical bills you will incur during your time of recovery.
The value of your claim will be directly tied to the type and amount of treatment you receive. Therefore, it is your job to make sure you report all your injuries to your doctor and follow all recommended courses of treatment.
Compensation for Serious Injury
If you have been injured in a car accident, the laws in Missouri and Kansas allow for just and fair damages to make up for one’s injuries and losses. While money can never sufficiently compensate for serious injury or death after a collision or fatal traffic accident, we are here to ensure you receive the best treatment and compensation when you’re involved in a auto accident in Kansas City.
Quick Resolution
Many people hesitate to get the help of an attorney because they think it means years of waiting for a settlement or appearing in court. The reality is only a small percentage of traffic accidents end up in litigation and even fewer end up in court. This means while its good to be mentally prepared for the possibility, it is likely your case will be concluded long before any one has to step into a courtroom.
Contingency Fee
Some people also hesitate to call an attorney because they think they cannot afford help. Do not let this stop you from seeking legal advice. We take all our personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis, which means we advance all case expenses and our fee is based solely on what we recover for you.
Get the Care and Compensation You Need
For 26 years the Law Offices of Peter A. Jouras, Jr. have been here to help others with their questions and concerns following a car accident and supporting them through the process of getting fair compensation for their car crash injuries. We’re here to guide you through the claims process after a car accident and help you get the care and compensation you need to get back to your life.
For your free consultation, call (913) 677-1999