Losing a loved one is never easy. The death of a spouse, parent, or child is made even harder when that death is caused by the negligence or misconduct of another party. Nothing can make up for that loss and a legal claim cannot bring back a person’s life, but a wrongful death lawsuit can provide compensation to the surviving family and discourage the wrongdoer from harming anyone else in the future.
In a wrongful death lawsuit, the surviving family often receives compensation based upon the income the deceased family member would have earned. They may also receive damages for medical and funeral expenses, pain and suffering, loss of companionship and punitive damages.
The Law Offices of Peter A. Jouras, Jr. represent families in both Missouri and Kansas who have lost family members to car and truck accidents caused by reckless drivers and negligent trucking companies, medical malpractice caused by careless and incompetent doctors, nurses, hospitals, and other healthcare providers, power line accidents that causes burns, electrocutions, or other serious injuries and accidents on property that has been negligently maintained.
We understand that when a loved one is lost in an untimely fashion there are often unanswered questions. We are committed to helping surviving family members find those answers and will work to determine whether negligence occurred and to effectively present to the insurance company or jury the emotional and financial loss suffered by surviving family members.
If we can be of assistance to you or someone you know who have experienced a wrongful death, please call our office for a FREE consultation.
For your free consultation, call (913) 677-1999